Blockchain-Powered Digital Identity for Secure Communications

Email based on Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI) offers a powerful combination of security, privacy, and convenience for online interactions. With SSI, you can take control of your personal information and manage your own unique digital identity. Your identity is registered on the Ethereum blockchain, providing a tamper-proof and secure solution that integrates seamlessly with other blockchain-based services and applications. This means that you can enjoy more secure and streamlined online interactions, while maintaining control over your personal information. Say goodbye to the hassle of filling out forms and trusting companies with your sensitive data, and say hello to the future of email with self-sovereign identity.

Choose Your Name

Identifier must be a single word, only letters, numbers and symbols "_" and "-" are allowed.

Set Up Email

If you already have a registered name, you can start using Ubikom email. Any email client supporting standard protocols (IMAP and SMTP) will work.

How to configure email clients


Check name registration Change password (encryption key)
Update endpoint Sell a name
Buy a name Register name and specify public key (advanced)
Check mailbox encryption (advanced) Check encryption key (advanced)

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Find out more

Let's Reinvent Email

Beyond Email

Technical Description

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